​​​​How Can High Self Esteem Help You Beat Depression?

What does high self esteem mean, and how can it help you get rid of depression faster and easier?

Right now, you’re going to learn what high self esteem is, what causes it, how it affects you, and, finally, how to have high self esteem quickly and easily.

By learning this valuable information, you’ll naturally become a much happier, more confident, more successful person in life, and the overall effect is that you’ll find it easier to become and remain depression-free.

What is high self esteem?

Self esteem is just the way you think about yourself.

So if you have high self esteem, it just means that you think positively about yourself, and you see a lot of positive value in yourself and your capabilities

To understand this, consider the following list of high self esteem examples, where you think the following kinds of thoughts about yourself:

  • I’m smart
  • I have a lot going for me
  • I’m interesting
  • I’m attractive
  • I’m likeable
  • I’m talented
  • I’m a great person
  • I’m valuable and important
  • I can achieve incredible things with my life
  • I’m successful achieving things I want to achieve

If you have these kinds of thoughts, you’re seeing positive value in yourself, because of the way you’re thinking about yourself. Saying that you have high self esteem is just a shorthand way for saying that you think in these kinds of ways.

Already, you can appreciate that if you think in these types of positive ways about yourself, you will naturally be a much happier, more confident, more successful person, and you’ll naturally be much less likely to struggle with depression.

What causes high self esteem?

It’s helpful to appreciate that what causes high self esteem is the way you think about yourself. Period.

So don’t waste your time, like many people do, looking for ‘external’ fixes for attaining high self esteem, like accumulating a lot of wealth, having lots of material possessions, having surgery, having people constantly praise and encourage you, and so on.

Here’s the thing: you don’t need any of these things in order to think very positively about yourself and your capabilities.

Think about it: you don’t need lots of money in order to appreciate your amazing personality, what a good friend you are, your sense of humor, fun, and adventure, and so on.

Similarly, you don’t need surgery in order to see attractive qualities and beauty in your looks. If you do decide to get surgery, that’s fine, but appreciate that you can already see value in your appearance, and learn to be happy with what you see, before you even start changing the way you look.

Furthermore, appreciate that even if the entire world hated you, and everyone told you what an awful, worthless person you were, you could still see lots of positive value in yourself and your capabilities, and no one in the world can stop you from doing that.

This means that you are in a very powerful position, because you have the capability to have very high self esteem, no matter where you are in life and no matter what others think of you, simply by choosing to think very positively about yourself and your abilities.

8 benefits of high self esteem

Remember, saying you have high self esteem is just a way of saying that you think very positively about yourself and your abilities.

Also, remember: thinking more positively about yourself and your abilities will naturally make you happier, more confident, and more successful, which is why high self esteem is so important, powerful, and effective for helping you become and remain depression-free.

So once again, review the following types of thoughts that provide an example of high self esteem, so that you can appreciate the positive effects that high self esteem will have on your life, including helping you experience a happy, depression-free life:

  • I’m smart
  • I have a lot going for me
  • I’m interesting
  • I’m attractive
  • I’m likeable
  • I’m talented
  • I’m a great person
  • I’m valuable and important
  • I can achieve incredible things with my life
  • I’m successful achieving things I want to achieve

When you have high self esteem, due to thinking very positive thoughts about yourself, you will naturally enjoy the following types of benefits of high self esteem:

  1. More happiness and enjoyment in life. (When you see lots of positive value in yourself, you’re naturally happier with yourself and your life.)
  2. A more worthwhile and meaningful life. (By extension, the more value that you see in yourself and your life, the more life feels worthwhile, meaningful, and worth living.)
  3. A healthier and better lifestyle. (If you see lots of positive value in yourself, you’ll naturally take care of yourself better, and you’ll naturally seeks ways to improve yourself and your well-being.)
  4. More confidence. (When you see lots of value in yourself and your capabilities, you naturally think that other people will like and value you, and you naturally think you’ll achieve things you want to achieve. In this way, high self esteem leads to high self confidence, so this is how to be confident and have high self esteem naturally and easily.)
  5. More success in life. (The more confident you are, due to higher self esteem, the more likely you are to try to achieve things you want to achieve. This naturally makes you more successful.)
  6. More peace of mind. (When you see lots of positive value in yourself and your capabilities, it’s naturally easy for you to think that you can accept and handle different challenges in life. This naturally makes you a more calm, relaxed, peaceful person, and frees you from a great deal of stress and anxiety.)
  7. More enjoyable social interactions. (When you think positively about yourself and your capabilities, you’re happier and more confident around other people, and this naturally leads to more enjoyable social interactions.)
  8. Less likelihood of experiencing depression. (When you consider the combined impact of all these positive benefits, you can see how high self esteem naturally helps you become and remain a happy, depression-free person, which is why it’s so important that you intentionally develop high self esteem.)

How to develop high self esteem the easy way

How high is your self esteem right now?

If you currently don’t have high self esteem, that’s fine. All it means is that you currently don’t think very positively about yourself, and this is something you can easily change by improving your thinking.

By far, the most important first step for developing high self esteem is to appreciate all the wonderful benefits of high self esteem, which you just learned about, and to want to develop high self esteem for yourself, regardless of whether anyone else wants you to improve your self esteem.

With this strong, clear desire, you will naturally be energized and motivated to think more positively about yourself, which will naturally translate into higher self esteem for you.

In future lessons in this course, you will learn more about how to boost your self esteem quickly and easily by improving how you think about yourself.

For now, however, the most important thing is that you are very clear in your mind that you want to eliminate low self esteem, and all of its negative effects, and to instead attain a very high level of self esteem, and enjoy all the wonderful, positive high self esteem effects, including greater happiness, confidence, and success in life, which naturally help you become and remain depression-free.

Everything else will flow naturally and easily from this clear desire, so decide right now that this is what you want for yourself, and enjoy seeing how much easier it is for you to replace low self esteem with high self esteem with this clear desire.

Next: How To Build Self Esteem & Beat Depression Faster In 1 Hour →

You are here:

Section 8 Lessons:

  1. What is self esteem & how is it related to depression?
  2. How can low self esteem contribute to depression?
  3. How can high self esteem help you beat depression?
  4. How to build self esteem & beat depression faster in 1 hour

Next Section In The Depression-Free Course:

Section 9

About the author

Hi, I'm Dave Fonvielle, the founder of Always Greater. On this website I teach you step by step how to be happier and more successful achieving your goals, whether it's completing a small personal to do task, like doing the dishes, or a large business goal, like launching a new product. Get my free 3 Tiny Habits for Being Happier & More Successful training for all of this right here.