Even though many people find it hard to get rid of depression, it doesn’t have to be hard.
Indeed, it can be very easy to get rid of depression, depending on what you do.
It’s important to appreciate this, because if you think that it’s always hard to get rid of depression, no matter what you do, it will predictably be hard for you to stop being depressed.
Why is depression so hard to beat?
The belief that depression is hard to overcome is a self-fulfilling belief.
Here’s how it works: when you think that it’s always hard to stop being depressed, no matter what you do, you naturally feel worse about your situation, which contributes to depression.
Furthermore, you don’t appreciate yourself or your capabilities, since you’re not appreciating that you can do things to make it easier to stop being depressed. This translates into lower self confidence and lower self esteem, which also contributes to depression.
And, finally, when you believe it’s always hard to eliminate depression, no matter what you do, you are less motivated to do things that would help you stop being depressed, like improving your thinking and lifestyle.
The predictable result of all of this is that if you believe it will be hard for you to stop being depressed, you will find it harder to overcome depression, although you might not appreciate the role that your self-fulfilling belief played.
It doesn’t have to be hard to get rid of depression
Yes, it’s common for people to find it hard to stop being depressed. But you don’t have to find it hard, even if other people do.
To appreciate this, imagine that there are two paths for getting rid of depression: a hard path and an easy path. Many people take the hard path, which makes it hard for them to stop being depressed, but you don’t have to follow in their footsteps.
For example, lots of people take the hard path by treating depression as if it’s an enemy that they have to beat. This naturally creates an exhausting struggle with depression.
Furthermore, many people believe they can’t ever be free of depression, which makes it virtually impossible to stop being depressed.
And, finally, many people don’t do the 6 depression-free changes which would help them become depression-free fast.
The good news is that you don’t have to take this hard path for getting rid of depression. Instead, you can take the easy path.
Why it can be easy to get rid of depression
The more you know what depression is, what causes it, and what to do to stop being depressed, the easier it is to stop being depressed.
So, if you think about it, this course is helping you step by step down the easy path for eliminating depression by providing you with this information. And it will simply get easier and easier for you to get rid of depression, the more you learn what steps to take.
Furthermore, consider how you can get rid of depression faster and easier by combining the 6 depression-free changes. And appreciate that the better you feel, the easier and easier it becomes to take action to elminate depression.
When you consider all this, you have every reason to believe that it can be easy to get rid of depression (or, at the very least, a lot easier than most people think), depending on what you do.
Get rid of depression the easy way
When you believe that it can be easy to stop being depressed (or, at least easier than lots of people think), you feel better about your situation, which already helps lift you out of depression.
Furthermore, you have more confidence, which also makes it easier to stop being depressed.
And, finally, you are more energized and motivated to take action to eliminate depression, since you appreciate that getting rid of depression can be easy, depending on what you do.
In this way, the belief that it can be easy to get rid of depression, depending on what you do, is a positive self-fulfilling belief that helps you eliminate depression faster and easier.
So if you’re having a really hard time with depression, starting today, make it easier to stop being depressed by accepting that it can be easy (or at least easier than many people think) to eliminate depression.
If you find this difficult to accept right now, at least be open to the possibility that it can be easier to get rid of depression than you currently think. Just being open to this possibility will already help you a lot.
Next: Can You Beat Depression On Your Own? →
You are here:
Section 4 Lessons:
- Is depression a good thing?
- Why do you want to stop being depressed?
- How to get rid of depression forever: 6 changes
- How to beat depression fast
- Is depression easy to cure?
- Can you beat depression on your own?
- Challenge your depression: 7 day depression challenge