If you make something more enjoyable and easier to achieve, you will inevitably be happier and more successful achieving it.
This applies to literally anything you want to achieve. For example, whether it’s a small personal to do task, like doing the dishes, or a large business goal, like launching a new product, you can be happier and more successful getting these things done simply by making them more enjoyable and easier to achieve.
And right now, you’re going to learn 4 simple steps that take 2 minutes or less (more like 90 seconds), which will help you do this with barely any effort at all.
Indeed, if you do these 4 steps every day, you are guaranteed to be happier and more successful every day. It’s that simple.
A quick story about these 4 steps before we get started
At the beginning of 2020, I asked myself a simple question: what if I could find a way to make it easier and more enjoyable to get things done?
For example, instead of forcing myself with willpower to eat smaller quantities of food to lose weight, what if I could make it easier to feel good, comfortable, and natural eating less calories?
With this scenario, wouldn’t I naturally eat less calories on autopilot? And at the same time, wouldn’t I naturally be happier and more successful losing weight?
It seemed to me that this would be the ideal way for me to get things done (whether it was losing weight, or anything else), because I would naturally get more things done and feel good doing it. So it would be a win in every way, and potentially even be life changing.
But how could I achieve this dream scenario?
My question then became: what was a simple way to make it easier and more enjoyable to get things done every day?
The 4 steps that you’re about to learn ultimately became my answer to that question. They are intentionally dead simple and feel good to do, because I wanted steps that I could easily do every day and feel great doing them.
And they work. Among other things, between January and June of 2020, I lost 30 pounds.
And you know what? This time around I found it easy to lose weight. Because I felt good doing it, every step of the way.
I want you to have the exact same experience with whatever goal or task you want to achieve. I want it to be easier and more enjoyable for you, and for you to feel good taking action, so that you’re naturally happier and more successful.
With this in mind, let’s get started with step 1 for being happier and more successful every day in 2 minutes or less…
1. What do you want to make easier to do?
For step 1, you write down on a piece of paper: “I want to make it easier to _____”. For example, “I want to make it easier to do the dishes.”
This is so simple, and yet so powerful and effective, because you identify something you actually want to do, rather than something you “should do” or “need to do”.
Now, why does that matter?
Well, when you think that you “should” or “need” to do the dishes (or anything else), this naturally creates a sense of dread and obligation, meaning you literally have to force yourself to get it done against your own will.
Yes, you can accomplish tasks with this “just do it” method, but it is a truly hard and miserable way to get things done.
On the other hand, when you decide you want to make it easier to do the dishes (or anything else), you focus on something you actually want (making the task easier) and this changes everything.
With this one tiny shift in thinking, you look at the same goal with a sense of interest and even excitement. After all, you now have a fun puzzle to solve: how can you make it easier to get something done?
So just like that, this one, tiny mental change already makes you happier and more successful achieving your goal with a step that takes less than 10 seconds.
2. So how will you make it easier?
Once you’ve identified something you want to make easier to do or achieve (like doing the dishes), you’re ready for the next step.
For step 2, you then ask yourself: “What is one simple, helpful thought that might make it easier to do this?”
For example, “What is one simple, helpful thought that might make it easier to do the dishes?”
It can be literally any thought that bubbles up in your mind that you think might make it easier for you to accomplish your goal.
For example, “I can easily put one dish in the dishwasher and already make progress” or “It will only take a few minutes to do the dishes, and I can even have fun listening to the radio while I do it”.
Just by identifying this new thought, you already start to think about your goal in a new and different helpful way, and this already makes it easier and more enjoyable for you to achieve your goal.
3. Create an exciting epiphany
For step 3, you create an exciting epiphany about the helpful thought you identified in step 2. You do this by asking yourself: “What is one way your life would naturally be different and better moving forward, if you started thinking this way?”
For example, “What is one way your life would naturally be different and better moving forward if you started thinking ‘I can easily put one dish in the dishwasher and already make progress’?”
Whatever comes to your mind is fine. However, I do have one tip: the more exciting your insight is, the better.
For example, maybe you realize that if you started thinking in this new way about doing the dishes, you’d find it much easier to do the dishes, it wouldn’t be such a big deal, and you’d be much more likely to have a cleaner, tidier place that felt better.
Again, any insight is fine. And the more excited you feel about the insight, the better.
Why does it matter if you create an exciting epiphany or not?
There are 3 reasons why this exciting epiphany step is so powerful.
First of all, it feels good, so it will naturally help you feel happier.
Second, the more excited you get about your new thought, the more energized you become as well as more motivated to take action. So it naturally helps you be happier and more successful in this manner as well.
And third, when you attach a positive emotion to your new thought, you literally wire in this thought so that you naturally think this way moving forward on autopilot.
If you think about it, your most powerful thoughts and memories have some sort of emotion attached to them. So when you attach a positive emotion to your new helpful thought (like a thought that makes it easier for you to do the dishes), you are literally wiring your brain to think in a way that makes life easier and more enjoyable for you moving forward.
Let that sink in. This means that you are literally wiring your brain for greater happiness and success with this step.
It’s super simple, it’s super powerful, and it feels great. Win, win, win.
4. Is your new thought true or valid?
By this point, you’ve identified something you want to make easier to do (like doing the dishes), you’ve identified a thought that might make this easier, and you’ve created an exciting epiphany about this thought.
At this point, you ask yourself: “Is this thought also true or valid?”
For example, “Is it true or valid to think that I can easily put one dish in the dishwasher and already make progress?”
If you do consider this thought true or valid, then you mentally accept and celebrate this thought by thinking: “Yes! I accept this thought because it’s completely valid and benefits me!”
The payoff: instant short term and long term benefits
The moment you consciously accept and celebrate this new thought, you’ll experience an instant boost in energy, motivation, and confidence. This already makes it easier and more enjoyable for you to take action, which will already help you be happier and more successful.
However, you’ll also enjoy the even more powerful long term benefits of rewiring your mind to think in a new, intelligent, helpful way that always benefits you moving forward.
By this point, you’ve attached a positive emotion to your new thought, your mind knows this thought benefits you and that it’s true or valid, and you’ve consciously accepted this new way of thinking.
The payoff is that from now on, whether it happens consciously or subconsciously, it’s a literal “no brainer” for you think to think this new, helpful, intelligent thought that makes life easier and more enjoyable for you.
Again: you have literally wired your mind for greater happiness and success. And that’s the true power of these 4 steps.
What if you did this every day?
Here’s what I strongly encourage you to do right now: every day, near the start of your day, like when you’re planning out your to do list, take just 2 minutes to do these 4 feel good steps.
If you do this, you will inevitably be happier and more successful every day with barely any effort.
And remember: each day you do this, you are rewiring your mind in a new, different, better way that makes you happier and more successful.
So over time, these tiny little changes you do every day will compound, and the overall effects on your life will grow stronger and stronger.
It’s just a matter of doing these steps.
And keep in mind, these are never steps you “should do” or “need to do”.
Instead, they’re steps you get to do every day, because they feel good, take barely any time or effort, and naturally make you happier and more successful on autopilot. Approach these steps with this mentality, and see how it makes it even easier and more enjoyable for you to do them.
What is the best way to do these 4 steps every day?
Now that you know these steps, you can just follow these steps on a piece of paper every day, if you’d like. I’ve even created a workbook that you can use to make this easier.
Also, to make these steps even easier and more enjoyable, I created the Happiness & Success Tool, which is an online tool that takes you effortlessly through these 4 steps.
This is the exact same tool that I use every day, because I find it’s the fastest, easiest, and most enjoyable way for me to do these steps daily.
That said, it doesn’t matter whether you use this tool, or whether you do the steps on a piece of paper. Do whichever is easiest and most effective for you.
All that matters is that you spend just 2 minutes a day doing these 4 steps, so that you’re naturally happier and more successful every day.
In fact, why not do the steps right now, and see for yourself how simple, easy, and powerful they are?