You can achieve being happier faster and easier by changing the way you think.
For this achievement, you’ll learn how to change your thinking so that you:
- Stop believing that you can’t help the way you think or feel
- Start believing that you can help the way you think and feel by consciously choosing to think greater thoughts that help you feel better
Stop believing that you can’t help the way you think or feel
Here’s why there’s no value in this type of negative thinking:
- You feel less helpless, and naturally have less strength and capabilities, due to believing that you can’t help the way you think or feel.
- Additionally, you are not motivated or energized at all to change the way you think or feel, since you believe that it can’t be done.
- As a result, you have less success and achievement in changing your thoughts and emotions, and your destructive belief becomes self-fulfilling; this decreases your self-confidence and makes it even more challenging to change your thoughts and emotions.
Start believing that you can help the way you think and feel by consciously choosing to think greater thoughts that help you feel better
Here’s why there’s great value in this type of positive thinking:
- You feel empowered, and naturally stronger and more capable, due to believing that you can help the way you think and feel.
- You are more motivated and energized to change the way you think or feel, since you believe it can be done and since you have a specific, effective way to do so.
- As a result, you have more success and achievement in changing your thoughts and emotions, and your constructive belief becomes self-fulfilling; this increases your self-confidence, making it even easier to change your thoughts and emotions in the future.
Enjoy a beneficial change that makes sense
- Clearly, you are capable of changing the way you think and choosing to think new thoughts. This is what learning is all about.
- Also, how you feel changes depending on how and what you’re thinking. For example, just thinking that you can’t feel better naturally makes you feel weak and helpless (so you feel bad), while thinking that you can feel better if you want makes you feel strong and capable (so you feel good or at least better).
- So if you choose to think greater thoughts (which you can do), you can feel better immediately. This makes this belief very sensible… Especially since you’re currently using tools and a program that makes it even easier to change your thinking in a beneficial way!
Next: Accept The Possibility Of Becoming A Happy (Or Happier) Person →