​​​​How To Be Confident About Anything: 5 Steps

If you already know what confidence is and why you want to become more confident, the next step is to learn how to gain confidence in life.

Since your thinking is what makes you confident or not, you can easily become more confident by improving the way you think about things, no matter what your situation is, and no matter whether the ‘odds’ are in your favor or not.

What builds confidence?

To understand how confidence is created by the way you think, regardless of what your ‘chances’ are of achieving what you want to achieve, consider the example of a confident professional baseball player who is up at bat.

Statistically, the odds are against him that he will get a hit; however, he still feels confident up at the plate.

Now, why is that? How can he still feel confident in this situation, even though a pessimist (or a ‘realist’) might say that he will ‘objectively fail’ to hit the ball?

You’re about to learn step by step why that is. Even better, you’ll be able to start feeling more confident about anything in just 5 minutes or less by following the steps below.

How to be more confident in 5 easy steps

Click on each step to learn more about how to boost confidence levels.

  1. Know what you want to achieve, and be decisive about achieving it, regardless of whether others want you to achieve it or not  

For example, a confident baseball player up at bat knows without a doubt that he wants to hit the baseball, regardless of whether the opposing fans are telling him to strike out, rather than hit the ball.

Indeed, he is decisive in every way that he will do whatever he can to to hit the ball.

Furthermore, he’s probably very specific about what kind of hit he wants, like whether he wants to bunt or swing for the fences. So, he’s a man who clearly knows what he wants.

Some key lessons from this:

  • If you’re unsure or indecisive about what you want to achieve, or easily swayed by what others want or don’t want rather than what you want, you’re naturally not as confident
  • Inversely, the more you know what you want to achieve, and the more decisive you are about achieving it, regardless of whether others want you to achieve it or not, the more confident you are
  • So, to become ‘completely’ confident, know without a doubt what you want to achieve, and decide you want to achieve it with or without anyone else’s support, acceptance, or approval; this is how to become a confident person in life very quickly

  1. Know why you want to achieve it: be sure you know why it’s of positive value to you, and why it’s ok, great, and makes sense to achieve it  

For the confident baseball player in our example, he knows without a doubt why he wants to hit the baseball. For example, it will help his team win, improve his record, and so on.

If there was any part of him that thought it was ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ or didn’t make sense for him to hit the baseball, he would not be as comfortable with doing it, and so he would naturally not be as secure or confident about hitting the ball.

But that is not the case. On every level, he knows that it’s ok, great, and makes complete sense for him to hit that baseball, even though the opposing fans are telling him that it’s the ‘worst thing’ he could possibly do, or that he ‘doesn’t deserve’ to hit the ball, and so on.

Some lessons:

  • If you have any reservations about achieving what you want to achieve (like, thinking it’s ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ or doesn’t make sense for you to achieve it), you will naturally be less confident
  • Inversely, if you think that achieving whatever you want to achieve is ok, great, and makes sense in every way, then you’re completely comfortable with it and naturally way more confident
  • So, to become ‘completely’ confident, know without a doubt why it’s ok, great, and makes complete sense to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve; this is how to grow confidence in whatever you’re doing very fast

  1. Know how to achieve whatever you want to achieve: all it takes is simply knowing one way  

For our example, our baseball player wants to hit the baseball, and he knows how to achieve it: pick up the bat, step up to the plate, focus on the ball in the pitcher’s hand, swing the bat as the ball approaches him, and so on.

He also knows how to swing the bat to either bunt or go for a home run.

Simply put, he knows how to achieve whatever it is that he wants to achieve. And that knowledge is another element that gives him confidence.

Some lessons:

  • If you know what you want to achieve, but you don’t know of any way to achieve it, you naturally won’t feel confident about achieving it
  • Inversely, the more you know how to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve, the more confident you feel; to get the ball rolling, it’s important to know at least one way, although there can be many different ways of achieving the same thing
  • So, to become ‘completely’ confident, know without a doubt how you can achieve something you want to achieve; this is how to find confidence in yourself by recognizing your capablities, and how to overcome lack of confidence very quickly

  1. Know that you can or will achieve whatever you want to achieve, and focus all your attention on achieving it, rather than considering any possibility that you won’t achieve it  

For our example, our confident baseball player knows without a doubt that he can hit the baseball, even though statistically this is far from certain! Indeed, the ‘odds’ say that he will not get a hit, even though that’s what he wants to achieve.

But so what? Though he’s aware of the odds, that’s his attitude about those statistics in a nutshell; they’re basically unimportant, irrelevant, and useless to him, and so he doesn’t even consider the possibility that he won’t hit the ball.

In this way, he naturally never questions his capablities or positive potential.

Instead, he focuses all his time and attention on achieving what he wants to achieve. He focuses on the ball in the pitcher’s hand, he watches the ball as it comes towards him, and so on.

Some lessons from this example:

  • Greater probabilities or ‘odds’ in your favor can naturally lead to greater confidence, but you don’t need to have the odds in your favor to have complete confidence that you can achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve
  • Focusing on the ‘odds’ that you won’t achieve something doesn’t help you achieve it, and naturally undermines your confidence, especially since it leads to you questioning your capabilities rather than focusing on what you want to achieve and doing whatever you can to achieve it
  • So, to be ‘completely’ confident, know without a doubt that you can achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve (that, at the very least, you have that potential), and focus all your time and attention on achieving it, rather than considering any possibility that you won’t achieve it
  • See more
  • The catch for a lot of people is that thoughts about the possibility of ‘failure’, or ‘bad’ alternate outcomes are naturally on their mind
  • So, part of becoming more confident is teaching your mind why there is little or no value in focusing on these types of outcomes; this makes these types of outcomes unimportant and irrelevant to your mind, which is how you naturally stop thinking these kinds of thoughts that can undermine your confidence
  • Another way of naturally letting go of these kinds of thoughts is to know that you can accept and handle these alternate outcomes, so they are not ‘threats’ to pay attention to in the slightest; this is part of why the next step naturally helps you become more confident

  1. Know that you will be ok and successful in some way no matter what happens, since you can accept, handle, learn, and gain from any outcome  

For our continuing example, when our confident baseball player steps up to the plate, he knows he will be ok and successful in some way no matter what happens.

For example, he knows that even if he strikes out, and all the opposing fans mock him, he will be ok, because he can accept and handle it.

Furthermore, he knows that he can successfully learn and gain from this experience. For starters, gaining proof that he can handle getting publicly mocked and ridiculed, which is a nightmare scenario for many people, gives him greater strength and confidence in his abilities.

Also, he knows he can later analyze the pitch, how he swung, and what lead him to strike out, and from this he can learn how he can do better next time. So he knows he can become a better, stronger baseball player that way, which is another successful gain from this strikeout scenario.

To be clear, our confident baseball player wants to hit the ball. But he has absolutely no fear or anxiety of alternate outcomes, or any fear of ‘failure’ when he steps up to bat.

After all, he is calm, confident, and has complete peace of mind, since he knows that he will be ok and successful in some way no matter what happens.

Some lessons:

  • If you want to achieve something, but think you ‘can’t accept or handle’ alternate outcomes, especially outcomes you consider ‘bad’, you will naturally be filled with fear and anxiety that make you less confident
  • Inversely, knowing that you can accept and handle alternate outcomes already makes you more confident in yourself and your abilities, and appreciating that you can furthermore successfully learn and gain from alternate outcomes naturally helps eliminate any fear or anxiety about them
  • So, if you want to be ‘completely’ confident about something, it’s important that you know, without a doubt, that you will ok and successful in some way no matter what happens, since you can accept, handle, learn, and gain from any outcome; this is how to always be confident in any situation, and how to maintain confidence even in the face of adversity

Again, click on each of these steps to learn more about how to have confidence in yourself and your capabilities.

An important thing to keep in mind is that there are different degrees of confidence. The more you ‘know’ each of the things listed above, the more confident you are.

So, if you want to become extremely confident or ‘completely’ confident about something, then it’s simply a matter of knowing each of these things without a doubt.

This is how to boost your confidence level very quickly.

Take action to become more confident

Assuming you already know what confidence is and why you want to achieve greater confidence, then you already have everything it takes to be more confident:

  • Knowledge of what to achieve
  • A desire to achieve it
  • A functioning mind that can be improved to achieve it
  • And, now, step by step knowledge of how to be confident in life, and how to gain more confidence in anything, no matter what the situation or circumstances are

The next step, for you, is to actually take action to become more confident.

Get started doing this right now by making improvements in your thinking that will naturally help you become and feel more confident.

Next: What Is Self Esteem And Why Is It Important? →

You are here:

Section 3 Lessons:

  1. How to gain self confidence fast: 7 confidence boosters
  2. How to regain self confidence the easy way
  3. How to stop doubting yourself: 3 easy steps
  4. How to have self confidence no matter what
  5. How to be confident about anything: 5 steps

Next Section In The Self Confidence Course:

Section 4

About the author

Hi, I'm Dave Fonvielle, the founder of Always Greater. On this website I teach you step by step how to be happier and more successful achieving your goals, whether it's completing a small personal to do task, like doing the dishes, or a large business goal, like launching a new product. Get my free 3 Tiny Habits for Being Happier & More Successful training for all of this right here.