​​​​How To Build Self Esteem & Beat Depression Faster In 1 Hour

If you already know what low self esteem is, and why you want to get rid of low self esteem and its negative effects, as well as what high self esteem is, and why you want to develop high self esteem and enjoy its positive benefits, then you are now mentally ready and motivated to improve your self esteem.

Right now, you’re going to learn how to build positive self esteem in a very simple, easy way, so that you immediately enjoy the positive effects of higher self esteem, including greater confidence, happiness, and success in life, which will all help you become and remain depression-free faster and easier.

How can I build my self esteem?

Self esteem is simply the way that you think about yourself.

So if you want to know how to develop high self esteem fast, it’s easy to do: eliminate negative thoughts about yourself (or thoughts that aren’t that positive), and replace them with more positive thoughts and views about yourself.

The result is that you instantly increase your self esteem, and enjoy all the positive benefits of doing so, including finding it easier to become and remain depression-free.

The name of the game is simple: always see yourself in the most positive way that your mind can comfortably and honestly accept.

Just by doing this, you are guaranteed to build up your self esteem very quickly and easily.

Examples of how to build up self esteem & beat depression faster

If you want to build up your self esteem and overcome depression faster and easier, start by targeting harsh, critical, negative things that you think about yourself, and replace them with the most positive view that you can comfortably and honestly accept.

For example, if you think a thought like “I’m fat”, you could replace this negative thought with more positive thoughts like “I can become thinner and healthier”, or “I like and accept the way I look right now”, or even “I have a good, healthy weight”, if you find that to be the case upon reflection.

The lesson, here, is to not force yourself to think in positive ways that feel false or phony to you. For example, if you think that you’re fat, thinking a thought like “I’m thin” won’t do you any good at all, if you reject the thought as blatantly false.

But you could definitely accept a more positive thought like “I can become thinner”, and this is already a good, more positive replacement for the thought “I’m fat.”

Another example of how to build self esteem & beat depression faster by thinking more positively about yourself

Similarly, let’s say that you think of yourself as having low self esteem, and this makes you feel bad about yourself and more depressed. It won’t do you any good to try to think a thought like “I have high self esteem”, if you clearly don’t think that’s the case, yet.

But instead of thinking “I have low self esteem”, which is a way of viewing yourself in a more negative light, you can think of yourself more positively by thinking “I can improve my self esteem”, or “I can develop high self esteem”, or “I’m already increasing my self esteem, and growing in self esteem with every positive change in thinking that I make”.

As always, the name of the game is to view yourself in the most positive light that your mind can comfortably and honestly accept, and to “upgrade” your perception of yourself as soon as possible.

So, for example, if you currently think it’s phony to think of yourself as having high self esteem, don’t do it. But after you make some significant improvements in your thinking, you might find that you can reasonably, comfortably, and honestly accept that you have high self esteem.

And if that is the case, then start thinking “I have high self esteem” the moment you can comfortably and honestly accept that as true, because it is a very powerful, positive, wonderful view of yourself that will naturally increase your self esteem and help you get rid of depression faster and easier.

How do I build my self esteem even faster?

From this moment forward, if you identify a negative view of yourself, deliberately choose to see no value in it whatsoever, and look forward to replacing it with a more positive view as soon as possible in order to increase your self esteem, self confidence, and enjoyment of life.

For example, if you find yourself thinking an extremely negative thought about yourself like “I’m such a loser”, which makes your self esteem plummet and can make you feel depressed, immediately replace it with a more positive thought like “I can improve my life and situation” or “I’m a great person”.

As always, the name of the game is to adopt the most positive view of yourself that you can accept, so if you’re not yet ready to comfortably and honestly accept the view “I’m a great person”, that’s fine; you can easily adopt another positive view like “I can improve my life and situation”, which you can comfortably and honestly accept.

The lesson here is to appreciate that a negative thought like “I’m a loser” holds no value for you whatsoever, and indeed, even makes your life worse, by draining your self esteem and contributing to depression. In contrast, a more positive thought like “I can improve my life” is of tremendous positive value to you, especially since it increases your self esteem and makes you happier and more confident, thereby helping you get rid of depression faster.

So it’s an easy no-brainer: always replace a useless, valueless negative thought about yourself, with a useful, valuable, valid or true positive thought about yourself that you can comfortably and honestly accept, and enjoy the immediate benefits of doing so, including finding it easier to become and remain depression-free.

Making this a regular habit is how to build up self esteem very quickly on a regular basis, which in turn makes it easier for you to not struggle with depression.

A common self esteem building obstacle: true negative thoughts

Of course, a big catch for you might be that you think a negative thought about yourself is valuable, important, and worth thinking just because it’s valid or true.

For example, let’s say you tell me “I have no friends”, and I tell you that it’s a useless, valueless negative thought that drains your self esteem and can make you feel depressed.

If you respond with “But it’s true”, then that demonstrates that you think such a thought is valuable and worth thinking, just because it’s true.

This is a big glitch in thinking, because just because a thought is valid or true, that does not mean it’s valuable and worth thinking.

How to improve self esteem and eliminate depression faster by removing a glitch in thinking

To understand why this is a glitch in thinking, appreciate how it’s perfectly valid to see a glass as half empty or half full.

Even though both views are equally valid, if seeing the glass as half empty makes you miserable and depressed, while seeing the glass as half full makes you feel happy and upbeat, then the glass half empty view is of no value to you, while the glass half full view is of tremendous value to you.

Similarly, even if it’s valid and true to think the negative thought “I have no friends”, it’s just as valid and true to think the more positive thought “I can make friends”.

The difference is that the valid, true negative thought drains your self esteem and can make you depressed, while the valid, true positive thought increases your self esteem and makes you happier. This means that the negative thought is of no value to you, even though it’s valid and true, while the valid, true positive thought is of tremendous positive value to you.

Once this is clear to you, it will be easy for you to let go of lots of negative thoughts about yourself that lower your self esteem and make you more likely to struggle with depression, since you appreciate they are of no value to you, even if they’re valid or true, and you will naturally seek out more valid, true positive thoughts about yourself that increase your self esteem and make it easier for you to be depression-free.

The overall result is that you will increases your self esteem very quickly this way, which in turn helps you become and remain depression-free fast.

How to boost your self esteem and be less depressed in 5 minutes or less

Lots of people who suffer from low self esteem are under the mistaken impression that it has to take them a long time of struggling with low self esteem before they are able to improve their self esteem and feel better about themselves.

But the truth is that you can learn how to boost your self esteem very quickly by taking the smartest, most powerful, most effective strategy to boosting your self esteem that exists: deliberately replacing negative thoughts about yourself with positive thoughts about yourself.

Think about it: your self esteem increases the moment you replace a negative thought (or not very positive thought) about yourself with a more positive thought about yourself, which means that you can increase your self esteem as quickly as you can change your thinking.

To appreciate how fast this can occur, you can easily replace a negative thought about yourself like “I have no friends” with a more positive thought about yourself like “I can make friends” in 5 minutes or less.

You could probably even make this change in thinking in 1 minute or less, which means that you can easily increase your self esteem in 60 seconds or less.

So this is how to gain self esteem and become happier and less depressed at super fast speeds.

Right now, appreciate that you already know how to increase your self esteem faster than most other people, and then set up a fun challenge for yourself: see how much you can improve your self esteem in 1 hour by deliberately improving your thinking about yourself in many different ways.

Challenge: how to improve your self esteem and beat depression faster in 1 hour

To take the 1 Hour Self Esteem Challenge, grab a piece of paper and a pen, and make a list of the biggest negative, self-critical thoughts that you have about yourself, which currently make you have lower self esteem.

Then, systematically, go through each negative thought one by one, and over the course of an hour, replace it with a more positive thought about yourself, always going for the most positive view of yourself that you can comfortably and honestly accept.

If it takes you 5 minutes to replace a negative thought with a more positive thought, that means you can replace 12 negative thoughts about yourself with 12 positive thoughts about yourself over the course of 1 hour, and by doing so, you will immediately experience a huge boost in your self esteem and find it easier to become and remain depression-free.

If it only takes you 2 minutes to replace a negative thought with a more positive thought, then you can replace 30 negative thoughts about yourself with 30 positive thoughts about yourself over the course of 1 hour, which will increase your self esteem and improve your situation even more.

The big insight, here, is that you have a lot of power, because you ultimately determine how quickly you increase your self esteem and lift yourself out of depression by how quickly you improve your thinking.

And when you make it your mission to improve your thinking like this, you will see dramatic results from it.

How to increase self esteem and overcome depression faster with the Positive Thinking Tool

To make this self esteem challenge even more powerful and effective, it is highly recommended that you use the Positive Thinking Tool.

Get started by specifying: “I want to stop thinking negatively & think more positively about: Myself”. (In other words, just type in “Myself” at the tool’s prompt, in order to focus on improving thoughts about yourself.)

Then, after you make your list of negative thoughts about yourself that you want to eliminate, just enter each of the negative thoughts into the Positive Thinking Tool one by one, so that you deliberately go through the process of replacing each negative thought with a more positive thought.

An example of how to have better self esteem & beat depression faster using the Positive Thinking Tool

The Positive Thinking Tool benefits you by helping you rewire your mind for positivity, so that it’s natural and automatic for you to think a more positive thought than a negative thought.

For example, let’s say you appreciate that both “I have no friends” and “I can make friends” are equally valid thoughts, but you find that you think the negative thought “I have no friends” naturally and automatically, and you have to keep reminding yourself to think the more positive thought “I can make friends”.

The Positive Thinking Tool guides you through a process that eliminates your mind’s motivation to think the negative thought, and increases your mind’s motivation to think the positive thought, so that it becomes an easy, natural, automatic no-brainer for you to think “I can make friends” instead of “I have no friends”.

The ultimate payoff is that you naturally and automatically always enjoy greater self esteem as a result, as well as greater happiness, confidence, and success, and all of these positive effects help you become and remain depression-free.

For this reason, right now, use the information you learned in this lesson, and take the 1 Hour Self Esteem Challenge with the Positive Thinking Tool, and see how much you can increase your self esteem in 1 hour.

You will be amazed by the results, and your life will be forever better for it, especially since you’ll be so much happier and less depressed. You might even find that you don’t feel depressed at all, after taking this challenge.

Just try it for yourself and see.

Next: How To Let Go Of Regret & Be Thankful →

You are here:

Section 8 Lessons:

  1. What is self esteem & how is it related to depression?
  2. How can low self esteem contribute to depression?
  3. How can high self esteem help you beat depression?
  4. How to build self esteem & beat depression faster in 1 hour

Next Section In The Depression-Free Course:

Section 9

About the author

Hi, I'm Dave Fonvielle, the founder of Always Greater. On this website I teach you step by step how to be happier and more successful achieving your goals, whether it's completing a small personal to do task, like doing the dishes, or a large business goal, like launching a new product. Get my free 3 Tiny Habits for Being Happier & More Successful training for all of this right here.