​​​​How To Rewire Your Brain To Think Positive

I am tired of dealing with negative thinking. Is it possible to rewire your brain to think positive instead of negative? And, if so, how can I rewire my brain to think positive thoughts?

In the next few minutes, you will learn the answers to these questions, and you will completely understand how you can rewire your brain to think positively.

But, first things first: what are we even talking about, when we talk about rewiring our brains?

What is rewiring the brain to think positively all about?

Let’s say that it is natural and normal for you to think negative thoughts, because your brain automatically generates this kind of negative thinking.

And let’s say you want to change this. Specifically, you want your brain to automatically generate positive thinking, so that it is natural and normal for you to think positive thoughts, instead.

If you rewire your brain to think positively, all this means is that you have taken steps so that your brain automatically thinks positively instead of negatively. By taking these steps, positive thoughts are now your “default” way of thinking instead of negative thoughts.

As impressive as it is, that’s all it means to rewire your brain for positivity.

Why start reprogramming the brain for positivity?

Just because you can rewire the brain to think positively, why do it?

Once you understand what negative thinking is and the effects of negative thinking on your life (like, making you feel bad and making you act in ways you dislike), it already becomes clear why rewiring your brain is a very beneficial thing to do.

But just to fully appreciate the potential power of brain rewiring, and how it can transform your life, let’s consider some examples of how reprogramming the mind can benefit you.

Rewire your brain for happiness

For this example, let’s say that it’s normal and natural for you to feel bad and struggle with depression, due to constantly thinking negative thoughts. By rewiring your brain to think positively, you can make it normal and natural for you to feel happy, instead.

So, in this sense, you can learn how to rewire your brain for happiness.

Programming your mind for success​

Or, to consider another example, let’s say you think in negative ways that sabotage you, make you less confident, and prevent you from achieving the things you want.

By rewiring your brain to think in positive ways that help you and make you more confident, you can find it much easier to achieve those things.

So, in this sense, you can learn how to rewire your brain for success.

Rewire your brain to stop bad habits

Or, let’s say you’re struggling with a behavior or a bad habit that you want to stop doing. If you want, you can rewire your brain to think in ways that make it easier for you to break bad habits.

For example, if you’re finding it difficult to stop smoking, you can reprogram your brain to think in ways that make it easier for you to become smoke-free.

As you can see, the potential benefits for rewiring your brain for positivity are limitless. In general, though, the overall reason to do it is that your life improves in every way as a result.

How to rewire the brain to be positive

So, how do you do it? How can you rewire the brain to think positive?

For example, how do you rewire your brain so that you always see a glass as half full and never see it as half empty?

Or, how do you reprogram your brain so that you always think ‘I’m a great person’ and never think ‘I’m a loser’?

The answer to this question assumes that you already know how to think positive thoughts, as well as how to get rid of negative thoughts.

If you already understand all of this, use the following 4 steps to rewire your brain for positivity, so that you always think positively instead of negatively.

4 brain reprogramming steps

Click on each step to learn more about how to program your mind for positivity.

Click on each of the steps above for more information about how to program your brain for positivity.

Once you complete each of these steps, you have rewired your brain for positivity, and you have also simplified your thinking process in a beneficial way.

This is because instead of wasting any time considering a possible negative way to think, your brain only considers and uses a positive way to think.

For example, after going through these steps, ‘The glass is half full’ and ‘The glass is half empty’ aren’t two possibilities in your mind. For you, ‘The glass is half full’ is the only option, since it’s the only direction your mind naturally goes in.

Even if someone points out to you that you can see the glass as half empty, your reaction is: so what? You simply don’t see it that way.

Similarly, after going through these steps, ‘I’m a great person’, and ‘I’m a loser’ aren’t ever two possibilities that your mind considers. For you, ‘I’m a great person’ is the only option your mind ever considers and uses.

And even if someone calls you a loser, there’s not even a second that you consider the possibility of thinking of yourself that way.

That’s simply someone else’s way of thinking; not yours. (At least, not anymore).

Frequently asked questions about brain rewiring

Click on each question to learn more.

How to rewire your brain for positivity the easy way

Your brain is your own to rewire however you see fit. So how do you want to rewire your brain and change your thoughts?

Whatever change in thinking you want to make, the easy way to reprogram your brain for positivity is to use the Positive Thinking Tool. It has all the information you just learned baked into it, to ensure that the brain rewiring process is fast, simple, and easy for you.

This means that you don’t have to be tormented by negative thoughts that contribute to stress, anxiety, depression, low self confidence, and so on.

Instead, you can rewire your mind to enjoy greater peace of mind, confidence, and happiness in less than five minutes.

With the Positive Thinking Tool:

  • You enter a negative thought and rewire your mind to stop thinking it
  • You enter a positive thought and rewire your mind to start thinking it
  • By doing this, you rewire your mind for positivity in 5 minutes or less

So try the Positive Thinking Tool right now, and rewire your brain to think more positively in 5 minutes or less.

It’s how to rewire your brain for positivity the easy way.

Next: How To Stop Being Negative: 6 Steps →

You are here:

Section 2 Lessons:

  1. How to think positively & stay positive: 6 steps
  2. How to rewire your brain to think positive
  3. How to stop being negative: 6 steps

Next Section In The Positive Thinking Course:

Section 3

About the author

Hi, I'm Dave Fonvielle, the founder of Always Greater. On this website I teach you step by step how to be happier and more successful achieving your goals, whether it's completing a small personal to do task, like doing the dishes, or a large business goal, like launching a new product. Get my free 3 Tiny Habits for Being Happier & More Successful training for all of this right here. 

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