​​​​How To Stop Doubting Yourself: 3 Easy Steps

What is self doubt and what does it have to do with self confidence?

Think of it this way: self doubt is a lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities, which goes on to create an even greater loss of self confidence over time.

For this reason, learning how to not doubt yourself anymore is very important for overcoming a lack of self confidence, becoming a more confident person, and also for staying self confident consistently.

How does doubting myself make me less self confident?

If you struggle with self doubt, this means that you are not completely sure whether you are someone of positive value or whether you have the capabilities to handle or achieve things. Not being sure about these things means you already have a lack of self confidence.

Furthermore, as a result of being unsure about these things, you naturally question whether you are ‘really’ someone of positive value and whether you can ‘really’ handle and achieve things.

This type of questioning often leads to negative shifts in thought about yourself and your capablities, which creates an even greater loss of self confidence over time.

The lesson: if you eliminate self doubt, you’re naturally way more confident and you find it much easier to stay confident.

How to deal with self doubt effectively

Not being completely sure of yourself and your capabilities creates self doubt, so one of the simplest, easiest, and most effective ways to stop doubting yourself is to become completely sure of yourself and your capabilities.

After all, once you know without a doubt that you are someone of positive value and that you can handle and achieve things, you become very self confident and free of self doubt.

You have already learned how to boost your self confidence in this way.

But right now, you’re going to go even deeper, and learn 3 more powerful steps that will help you get rid of self doubt and not deal with it anymore.

How to get rid of self doubt fast: 3 steps

These 3 steps are how to eliminate self doubt very quickly.

Click on each step to learn more about how it helps you get rid of self doubt.

  1. Know without a doubt that it is ok, great, valid, acceptable, and better in every way to think positively of yourself and your capabilities  

This increases your mind’s motivation to always continue thinking in ways that make you more self confident.

Remember, self confidence is created by thinking positively about yourself and your capabilities; this is often referred to as believing in yourself.

It’s important to understand that it’s often neither right nor wrong to think positively or negatively about yourself and your capabilities, just as it’s neither right nor wrong to see a glass as half full or half empty.

For example, it’s completely valid to negatively think of yourself as someone who has no self confidence at all, just as it’s completely valid to positively think of yourself as someone who can become more self confident.

The difference is that the positive view energizes you, makes you happier with yourself, and makes you more confident in your abilities. So it provides you with a lot of benefits, while the negative view doesn’t do anything good for you at all.

The lesson, here, is that even though positive and negative views of yourself and your capabilities can be equally valid, the positive views are always better since they make you happier, more confident, and more successful.

For this reason, you can always know without a doubt that positive views of yourself and your capabilities are always ok, great, valid, acceptable, and better in every way than any negative views.

  1. See no value at all in ever doubting yourself or questioning your positive value or capabilities  

This helps you let go of doubting or questioning yourself, since it eliminates any motivation to do so.

As always, think of your mind as being your business partner (or best friend) that wants to help you however it can.

If your mind ever doubts or questions your positive value and capabilities, it’s not trying to hurt you or torment you; rather, your mind believes there is some sort of positive value in doing so.

For example, maybe your mind is trying to spare you the potential pain of putting yourself in situations that it believes you might not be able to handle.

And, if this is the case, this simply means that your mind doesn’t yet understand this kind of doubting and questioning is what creates pain and mental torment that makes life more challenging for you.

Fortunately, the solution is simple: be very clear in your mind that there is no value whatsoever in doubting or questioning yourself, and that there is tremendous positive value in being free of self doubt and being completely confident.

With this kind of clarity of mind, your mind has now been taught how to help you better: so your mind naturally lets go of self doubt, and starts thinking in other ways, instead, that naturally help you become more self confident.

This is how to remove self doubt in a very simple, intelligent way.

  1. You have a choice in how you think: so choose to always accept more positive views of yourself and your capabilities, and choose to always reject any negative views  

This makes it easy for you to become more and more self confident moving forward, without ever losing any self confidence at all.

Imagine that every day someone offers you a choice between two cups to drink: one cup has cool, clear, clean, refreshing water in it, while the other cup has murky, poisonous, toxic, brown sewage water in it.

No matter how often someone gives you this choice, the choice is always an obvious no-brainer: you choose to drink the water that you enjoy drinking and that strengthens you, rather than ingest any dirty sewage water that makes you gag and makes you ill.

Now, imagine that every day someone offers you a choice between two cups to drink: one cup has positive views of yourself and your capabilities, while the other cup has negative views of yourself and your capabilities.

Once you understand that the positive views increase your self confidence, while the negative views drain your self confidence, isn’t the choice just as much of an easy no-brainer?

Just think about it: if every time you’re given a choice to think positively or negatively about yourself and your capabilities, and every time you choose to think positively rather than negatively, then you will always easily maintain your self confidence and remain free of self doubt.

So make up your mind ahead of time that every time you’re given a choice in how you think about yourself and your abilities, you’re going to make an intelligent, better, more enjoyable choice, and choose to think in a way that benefits you.

By doing this, you make it very easy to consistently become more and more confident, without ever losing confidence in yourself.

Again, click on each step to learn more about how to stop self doubt from entering your mind.

Now that you know how to stop doubting yourself…

Follow these 3 steps so that you don’t struggle with self doubt any more.

Here is how powerful these 3 steps are: even if other people deliberately try to undermine your self confidence (much like opposing fans try to undermine the confidence of a baseball player up at the plate), these 3 steps make it easy for you to remain self confident and not doubt yourself or your capabilities for a second.

This makes you an extremely self confident person, indeed.

Next: How To Have Self Confidence No Matter What →

You are here:

Section 3 Lessons:

  1. How to gain self confidence fast: 7 confidence boosters
  2. How to regain self confidence the easy way
  3. How to stop doubting yourself: 3 easy steps
  4. How to have self confidence no matter what
  5. How to be confident about anything: 5 steps

Next Section In The Self Confidence Course:

Section 4

About the author

Hi, I'm Dave Fonvielle, the founder of Always Greater. On this website I teach you step by step how to be happier and more successful achieving your goals, whether it's completing a small personal to do task, like doing the dishes, or a large business goal, like launching a new product. Get my free 3 Tiny Habits for Being Happier & More Successful training for all of this right here.