​​​​Value Yourself As Much As You Value Others

You can achieve being happier faster and easier by changing the way you think.

For this achievement, you’ll learn how to change your thinking so that you:

  • Stop perceiving what other people want, think, see and choose as always more important than what you want, think, see and choose
  • Start perceiving what you want, think, see, and choose as always at least as important to you as what others want, think, see, and choose

To do this, learn why the first way of thinking doesn’t help you or make sense, while the second one does, and then make choices based on what you’ve learned.

Stop perceiving what other people want, think, see and choose as always more important than what you want, think, see and choose

Here’s why there’s no value in this type of negative thinking:

  • You have a lower sense of self worth due to perceiving what other people want, think, see and choose as always more important than what you want, think, see and choose. You also have less self-confidence in what you value and think, and you are more dependent on listening to others to “determine” what’s best for you to value and think.
  • As a result you are more easily persuaded to do what others want you to do, rather than what you’d like to do. This means you have less success achieving the things you want and value, since you are more easily “derailed” from achieving those things. It means you also enjoy your positive values and achievements less (or not at all) if others don’t value them as much as you.
  • So in this way you make yourself weaker and have less strength and capabilities. Also, you have less enjoyable social interactions with other people, due to naturally being prone to feeling “judged” as inferior by others, and you are also more prone to fearing what others think of you since it’s so “important”. As a result you have less peace of mind and a whole lot more stress.

Start perceiving what you want, think, see, and choose as always at least as important to you as what others want, think, see, and choose

Here’s why there’s great value in this type of positive thinking:

  • You have a higher sense of self worth due to perceiving what you want, think, see, and choose as always at least as important to you as what others want, think, see, and choose. You also have more self-confidence in what you value and think, and you are more self-assured and more independent.
  • As a result, you have more success in achieving things that you want to achieve and feeling good about yourself, with or without the support, acceptance, or approval of others. It means you also enjoy your positive values and achievements even if others don’t value them as much as you.
  • So in this way you make yourself stronger and have more strength and capabilities. Also, you have more enjoyable social interactions with other people, due to naturally feeling more powerful, confident, and feeling more comfortable with whatever others think of you. As a result you have more peace of mind and more happiness and enjoyment.

Enjoy a beneficial change that makes sense

  • You are clearly capable of valuing what you want, think, see, and choose as at least as important as what other people want, think, see, and choose, so it makes complete sense to do this, especially once you understand and appreciate how it has such a beneficial impact on you.
  • You are ultimately the one who determines how much value you see in yours and other people’s thoughts, perceptions, desires, and choices. So it makes complete sense to value what goes through your mind at least as much as much as what goes through other people’s minds, especially when you consider how helpful it is to you, and your mind, and how it improves your interactions with others.
  • When you consider how your life improves in each and every way when you value what you want, think, see and choose at least as much as what others want, think, see and choose, and when you consider how this is completely valid and you can easily do this, it makes complete sense to do it.

Next: Appreciate That Life Is As Meaningful As You Want It To Be →

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About the author

Hi, I'm Dave Fonvielle, the founder of Always Greater. On this website I teach you step by step how to be happier and more successful achieving your goals, whether it's completing a small personal to do task, like doing the dishes, or a large business goal, like launching a new product. Get my free 3 Tiny Habits for Being Happier & More Successful training for all of this right here. 

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